Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

Green Tea Benefits for Skin We

We all know that green tea has a very good benefits for our bodies. Some literature states that the Chinese people have consumed green tea since 4000 years ago. Green tea is believed to help relieveheadaches to reduce stress. Over the years many scientific studies done by the ilmuawan to uncover the health benefits of green tea.

What makes green tea special?

Green tea is rich in catein polyphenols, particularly EGCG [epigallocatechin gallate]:
that is a powerful antioxidant.

Research conducted at Purdue University found that the content of the active ingredient EGCG cansuppress the growth and development kangner cells without disrupting normal cell growth.
Pharmanex conducted a series of studies among others, the proof of the benefits owned green tea and availability of raw materials with high polyphenols. Tegreen 97 of Pharmanex is a special formula of green tea leaf extract in the equivalent standard with 97% polyphenols-catechins duapertiganya form> 95 mg of EGCG perkapsul. Each item capsule 97 Tegreen 7cangkir contains polyphenols equivalent to a natural green tea and has been free of caffeine.

Clinical trials using green tea Tegreen97

This test is done to prove bahwah green tea has the following benefits:
*. Protects cells from free radical attack
*. Inhibiting adhsi, development and migration of cancer cells
*. Increasing the metabolism through increased thermogenesis
*. Meningkatkat skin health and protection of ultraviolet rays
*. Killing the bacteria that cause tooth decay.


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