Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

5 Discipline in Learning Process

Any weighing crisis can actually be solved depends on our willingness to adapt and cope with changes in the jelly. Already many hundreds of large companies that fall out mercilessly, dozens of conglomerate gave in to circumstances, but many companies remain solid standing. Hurricane hit of the crisis not only make them readily anticipate, rigid with the motivation and tough competition, but they can make 'evil' it as an opportunity.

What about the companies we? Does the company We are also experiencing the same thing? How is the company's efforts to survive if experienced anything like that? It turned out that with the willingness to adapt and learn to follow the changes that occur agile, a company can survive longer.

In his book The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Pratice of The Learning Organization, Peter M. Senge states that the organization is an integrated unity, so that requires a unified commitment also to operationalize and mengefektifkannya. "We can not make people become smarter and terdongkrak performance only with the main command," he wrote. Learning is a necessary condition for maintaining the existence, as well as the key to raising the quality of self and the organization or to benefit from this crisis. Learning without any desire to apply what was learned, of course it's no good.

Learning requires not just a strong commitment, but also a high intensity to keep carry them out with a clear point of achievement in the end. The only things you can do to emerge from the crisis is the willingness and ability of organizations to learn! However, it takes five disciplines as a major component in the learning process. The 5 disciplines as a major component in the learning process is as follows: 

* Personal Control
This discipline requires more skill than power. Proficiency in control of himself in a professional manner, always reinforce the goals and focus on the goal. Therefore we need a good EQ. Emotional Quotient (EQ) is the skill to recognize and manage emotions themselves and others. Man with a good EQ, capable of complete and full responsibility on the job. Also make We easily socialize EQ, capable of making a humane decision, and holding on to a commitment. Hence, the person who was good EQ can do things better (Professional). 

* Mental Models
The second discipline is a process of introspection to understand the assumptions, beliefs, prejudices, and others. This process requires a willingness and ability to perform a balanced learning, and certainly to be a mental model of the 'new', through an intensive learning process.

* Joint Vision
Discipline of shared vision requires the ability and skills to be able to describe the present and future of the company and the joint can be beneficial in keeping the present and future.

* Learning As Teams

This discipline can be achieved when every individual in the team are willing to immerse themselves into thinking the idea of ​​a team and communicate openly with each other to enable the achievement level of penetration and better innovation.

* Systemic Thinking

If observed, the core of the concept of Peter F. Senge is actually located on the fifth discipline of systemic thinking. In the context as the basic discipline of organizational learning, systemic thinking is a means to help us see things more effectively and change something that is not functional patterns to be functional. So the five disciplines should not be executed one by one as it will only result in a confusion. But when practiced in an integrated manner or in a union, then the impact will be very positive.

The five main disciplines above, according to Peter F. Senge is needed by every organization learners. Because every second of life is full of lesson material. So, it can be concluded, if we and the companies still exist and we want to get better and get benefit from this crisis, no more can be done in addition to studying and learning!



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